Company News

/Company News
3 05, 2016

Are you checking your tyre pressures regularly?

By |May 3rd, 2016|Company News, Tips & Advice|Comments Off on Are you checking your tyre pressures regularly?

Most people aren't, and it's easily forgotten. It's vital to make sure your tyre pressures are correct, not only for safety but also for fuel economy and extending the life of your tyres. A recent study at a UK motorway service area took 155,000 readings over the course of a year and the result was [...]

23 06, 2015

New Tutts of Dorking Website Launched

By |June 23rd, 2015|Company News|Comments Off on New Tutts of Dorking Website Launched

Hi all, So after a good few weeks of hard work the new website is now live! We absolutely love it and hope you all do too. A big thank you to the team at Creative Monster who makes all of the images inside my head turn into web pages! The website content has been [...]

2 01, 2014

Audi Driver Awards 2013

By |January 2nd, 2014|Company News|Comments Off on Audi Driver Awards 2013

Hi everyone! Just a quick (but a little late) post about how we did at the 2013 Audi Driver Awards in October.  We got another bronze which is awesome.  It's great to be recognised to our efforts at such a prestigious award. All voting is done by you guys so thank you very much to [...]

19 02, 2013

Customer Feedback

By |February 19th, 2013|Company News|Comments Off on Customer Feedback

Hi all :) Thought i'd give you all some feedback on your feedback!  We've been sending out customer feedback forms for the last few weeks and the information we're getting back is brilliant.  Not only are you all happy with our service (everyone scoring us either 4 or 5 stars - mainly 5) BUT we're also [...]

15 10, 2012

Audi Driver Annual Awards 2012

By |October 15th, 2012|Company News|Comments Off on Audi Driver Annual Awards 2012

So, we have some pretty special news today..... We attended The Audi Driver Annual Awards for the first time on Saturday night at The Hilton Hotel in Swindon and we won an award. We are incredibly proud to have been awarded the bronze award for "Independent Service Provider 2012". To all of you who voted for [...]

5 11, 2011

New Tutts Site is Now Live!

By |November 5th, 2011|Company News|Comments Off on New Tutts Site is Now Live!

Our new and improved website is now live with loads of great new content, including this blog. So make sure you regularly come back and check out our latest posts. You can even subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page. We hope to bring you the [...]